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Window Shades
Making space for the sparrows

Today’s draft is inspired by window shades — specifically the blinds on my front window that are down most of the time now that I realized when they are up, the house sparrows have a tendency to fly into the window.
Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedWe opened the blinds to see the skythe trees the passing clouds,to experience sweet longing from our couch-bound comfort.Because with the blinds down, the only way to experience the world is to go out in it,like the birds. The house sparrows so often tricked by the ghost of a Japanese maplereflected in our naked window. Stunned by the impact of a window where they expected a soft-branched landing. So we close the blinds,forcing ourselves, like the birds to go outside to search and fly and sometimesslam ourselves into an illusionin search of a safe landing.