This Vincent

Light and joy and art

a large painting of a man with a beard

Today’s draft is inspired by two Vincents — yesterday’s Vincent from the Quaker Meeting, and Vincent Van Gogh. My Beloved and I went to the a Van Gogh exhibition, and both were deeply touched by a small self-portrait — by the palpable pain in the eyes. That made me think of the Quaker Vincent, who has the same blue eyes, only full of joy.

Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedOn the back of a sketch of a starry night,Vincent writes:It was so beautiful, my brother,I just had to share it with you.I think of that Vincent as I watch our Vincent,duck-walking into the Meeting House,dressed for another era, smiling for all of time.This Vincent sits in the light feeling joy --knows that he does not have to shoulder the burden of sharing.Everyone around him sees the summer light,feels it on their faces --perhaps not with the clarity and intensity that Vincent does.Yet, still he can smile at their unknowable shared experience.This Vincent.This light.This soul, repaired.