These are Your Instructions

When all the guides are the same

Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash

I’ve been talking to a lot of people about what comes next for me. Somehow, today, they all converged on the same idea, the same suggestion of what comes next. The same thing that has been quietly waiting in my mind for a while now. And so, when all the guides and all the friends agree — the only thing to do is go.

I asked your highest self and she is showing me --

ornate double doors --

mahogany carved with women in bas-relief

emerging from the dark grain --

opening onto a red carpet (of course)

a welcoming, a homecoming --

an Entrance.

This is what is next for you, she said.

You are making an Entrance.

You will be welcomed.

I caught my breath at her description

stopped pacing my apartment --

bare feet on a dark wood floor

(the long ago ballroom of a fine old house

vibrating with hundred-year-old dances) --

My face in the mirror tilted under the weight of a long day

and yet --

There is something in the outside edge of my left eye.

A reflection from outside vision -- perhaps --

(could it be?)

a flash of red stretched out into the infinite beyond.