Some Stories

Choose my own adventure

white clouds on a sunny day

It’s too warm, too early. It’s too gray for too long. All of this is settled in the air in these last few days of Winter, and yet — I finished the giant revision project I was working on. I don’t have a poem draft for you today, dear ones, but I do have something else.

I am participating in my friend Malik’s 500Words — A Short Story Project. We write three 500 word story starts each week, then let you decide which one gets more time and attention. You vote by “clapping” for the story you want to see continued. You can read my story starts here, and while you’re there, I hope you’ll check out the other excellent writers who are doing this project.

(Also, Malik has a Substack, and a mission, that I whole-heartedly support and recommend. I hope you’ll take a look.)

How are you feeding your creative soul today?