Self Talk

Conversation from the interior

yellow beans on white surface

Today’s draft comes from rainy mornings, the lure of staying in bed, and cooking from memory.

Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedI will support whatever you do you just have to do something.I know it's hard on a day like this -- as gray as the inside of your skin the underside of your eyelids as gray as the middle of the night half asleep stumbling to the bathroom--even stumbling to the bathroom is doing something. I will support you as you listen to the rain(it is the rain -- not that flying insect struggling to the glow of your phone)or as you shift from back to right side, right side to left,to back again--if you do it with intention(whatever that means)I will support you as you make the mung bean omelettewithout the one key spicewith too much spinachand the pepper you found at the back of the cabinet. This, at least, is doing something.