Of a Certain Age

And other phrases that get under my wrinkling skin

Photo by sk on Unsplash

As I am officially (joyfully) “of a certain age,” I am noticing even more the things some younger women say from kindness, or fear, or both. I am seeing these age lines in the sand, and all I want to do is crash some waves over them and start new.

The 30-something book reviewer gushes —

“I’m not there yet,

but when I am,

I hope I have as few fucks to give as she does.”

Sweetheart, I think to myself

as I turn the A/C vent full in my hot-flashing face,

if you can’t see yourself in her face

right now, just as you are —

if you don’t yet understand that she is you —

if you can’t stop patronizing this old woman with your admiration —

You’ll never be there.