
Good morning from a new place

a bird standing in a field of tall grass

Dear Ones, we moved house this week, and are now (un)settled in our new home. This morning I decided to ignore all the boxes and sit outside on the porch drinking coffee. I learned we have a very special bird-friend. As of now, I have only heard it and not seen it, but it was enough to inspire today’s draft.

Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedI am told that the single-noted call I am hearing is a Northern Flicker.Somewhat rare, usually found foraging on the ground.A type of woodpecker, with red patches underwing -- it flames as it flies. I am told I am lucky.As I drink my cooling instant coffee,nurse a headache from two days of moving,imagine I can hear my beloved breathing as he sleeps down the hall -- I believe it.