Intersection Out of Time

Just a brain trying to make sense of a brain

white and blue building near green tree during daytime

I’m not sure about today’s draft. It might just be something for me (and now for you, if you want it.) It grew out of trying to describe the feeling of having a vivid feeling/memory of a specific place while going about my day. Lately, the memories have been of weirdly mundane things — mostly specific intersections I have driven through while going about my day. Does this ever happen to you?

Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedI am sitting in my carat the corner of Herr Lane and Preston Highwaywaiting to turn left on the way to the grocery store. I am sitting on my couch typing words into my journal.Both of these are true. Sometimes, when the earth shifts and turns and exhales,I think a breath comes through the surfaceso the memories of every human who has ever crossed that spotcome forward, beckoning,out of the now and into time.