I don't know what to call this one

Maybe you could help me?

Dear Ones, I’ve been thinking about those moments when things could go tragically awry. The just-missed car crash, the almost choked-on bit of food, the just-missed-your-head slip and fall. It takes less than a minute, often, to get to the other side of these moments, and yet I think we are forever different on the other side, or we could be. Today’s (untitled) breath is about that moment of choice.

What happens when you learn that you are made of glass?

Untempered, thin with age,

slowly working its way loose of the frame in the window of your being.

Here is what you do --

Take your hand away from the blackout shades.

Go find some vinegar and a soft cotton cloth.

Soak the cloth in vinegar and wipe the window.

Let the soft acid eat away the tiny bits of dust and stagnant inside air.

Let the clean light come through and bathe your eyes.

The sting of the light in your eyes and the vinegar in your nose is life returning,

Abundant and free.

And now, a request: I am putting together a short audio offering that pulls together my love of picturesque cemeteries, imagining stories about people, and being read to. Do you have a cemetery where you like to wander, or a particular resting place that draws your imagination? And if so, would you tell me about it?