Gone, Gone, Everything Gone

a hard lesson

human X-ray result chart

Dearest Ones. This week, I had one of those tech fail waterfalls where I ended up having to completely wipe my hard drive and start over. In the process of setting up my laptop, I realized that my Google drive had not ben synching correctly. For two years. Which means — I lost two years’ worth of data. More than data — writing, revisions, experiments, drafts. I was devastated. Since the initial shock, I have been able to recover some things from emails, other websites (like Substack) and from friends. There’s still a lot that is gone forever, though. And now begins the process of starting again. Today’s draft is inspired by the immediate empathy from all my creative friends and an exploration of a different kind of grief.

Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedI know you are a creative person when I tell you I have lost so much and your first reaction is to fall apart-- Because what we create, our words and our pictures and our photographs, is not just in our bones, it is our bones. It is the marrow that churns and boils and delivers forth the stem cells the key of life.It is the hardened matrix around the marrow the scaffolding for the soft tissues to collapse and sigh around. It is even the ligaments embracing bone and bone the cells and the space within the cellsvibrating the structure of the body together