Creation Story

We were lied to

Photo by Jan Kopřiva on Unsplash

I recently read about some ancient creation stories that have many of the same elements of the biblical story, without the patriarchal undertones. I just knew that old story was a lie, stolen from somewhere else, and bent to serve those who would have power over.

You were given the elements:

serpent, fruit, woman, man, god, knowledge.

Your choice was how to wield them.

Let the gods draw a circle around abundance of knowledge

invite the rest inside

nourish human bodies with the fruit while

the serpent teaches them to dance.


Put yourself in the circle alone

force the rest to beg for what you have

(fruit juices oozing from between your crushing fingers.)

Pretend to own

that which resides in every human breath.

Is it any wonder

that every Western woman

trails anger from her body

like lengths of broken spiderwebs?