Consider the Lilies

Have you ever wanted to rip a holy book out of the hands of some authority or other and just shout, “That’s not what this means! That’s not what any of this means!”?

Yeah. Me too.

Consider the lilies.

Consider taking your authoritative hand off the pages of that book

standing down from the pulpit

while I tell you

how to consider the lilies:

Consider the deep pink opening

the release of sweet pollen

the slick stamen ends and

the petals that spring from sunlight, water, and soil.

Consider the invitation--

bees, butterflies, and every pollinating creature

welcomed into the fragrant depths

received with polyamorous joy.

Consider the alchemy of sunlight, water, and soil

through roots locked in embrace with the earth

to blossoms that exist because they exist --

open to what is,

exhaling pleasure with wild abandon.