Braided Everything

Looking into the depths

a close up of a blue and black fabric

Today’s draft, like most drafts, doesn’t have the image quite right yet, but I still love it enough to want to sit with it and nurture it a while. This draft also has an aside that brings me joy, and that I know doesn’t belong in future revisions. This is the beauty of first drafts — all the little joyful non sequiturs get to come out and breathe a bit.

Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedWhy we gaze into water:It's not to fall in love with our own reflections. (Not everyone who hurt you is a narcisisst, you know. Some people are just mean.) We gaze into water to find the depths of our own eyes.The water is a tool to wash away the logical part of thinkingallow travel to the very ends of our being to where the ends of our floating bodies attach to strings that are knotted together with all the other strings of all the other floating beings on this our one known planet. We gaze into water to find the strings, the knot, and the singular impossible string that drops below the knot,the braided everything.