Back Into the Universe

What if it doesn't matter how?

flat lay photography of three white yarn balls

Today’s draft is inspired by the human need to explain things we don’t understand. The metaphors are all jumbled up, just the way they came out. I feel like this one is a ball of yarn I need to unwind and knit back up again.

Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedThis is the story you told me: You fell and no one helped you,despite your scared eyes and bleeding face.Days later, someone offered the gift of their presence to you,"Waving her arms around my face like this,"you said, she tied you back into the universe.And you felt better."But," you said, "I don't think that's what happened." It's like she gave you a clay bowl and you smashed itgathered up the shards,re-glued them into a plate, and thanked her,forgetting the clay that made this bowlcomes from soil that once walked or flew or crawled over the earth,forgetting the transformation, not the form, is the miracle. What I am saying is:Maybe you did get tied back into the universe.Maybe when you fell, and no one helped you,you slipped out of life just a little bitand couldn't find your way back in. Maybe her hands did find you and pull you back in.What I am saying is: take the bowl in both your handsbless the air that gathers in it.