At the Labyrinth

Resetting the senses

green grass field during daytime

This is a very early draft — one of those times when I wrote my way into an idea in my morning pages. I like morning pages for this very reason. I can start with a word or a phrase or a completely befuddled brain, and most days I will write my way into something that could be a poem or a story. This reminds me that creativity is not a rare blessing, sparingly bestowed. It is an innate human capacity. It requires care and attention. It requires showing up — but it’s there in all of us.

Tell me: How are you showing up for your creativity today?

Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedI forgot how tall you are, she said,one arm leaning on her flat-topped cane.It has been years. In the silence I hear the softly crackling soundof vision expanding candle glow and open spacebodies thick with realitythe slight headache that comes from calibrating the sounds of human voices.